Interested in Volunteering?
​​​ ​At For Rutland, we are all volunteers.
We come from all walks of life, from Rutland and the neighbouring counties and everyone is welcome.
It’s very easy to be a For Rutland volunteer. No special skills are required, just enthusiasm and some spare time.
We are a sociable fundraising group, we don't ask for a commitment of a specific number of hours or days per week.
You can be involved as much as you like; we always have time to chat, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and of course, cake and biscuits. Read on below to see what kind of things we do to raise funds.
If you would like some more details on how you can join in fundraising, then please email us at info@forrutland.org.uk
All our events are only successful because of the time and effort put in by our volunteers.
The Good and New Clothes Sale
The Good and New Clothes Sale takes place on a Friday night and Saturday morning in March each year.
The main preparations for the sale are from early February until the sale in March. During this time our volunteers spend many hours sorting the kindly donated clothes, shoes, and accessories.
Tasks include washing and cleaning, ironing and steaming, mending, hanging and labelling, and sorting into Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s.
Some of our volunteers have been helping with the sale preparations for many years and have built valuable specialist knowledge in many areas.
The Grand Bottle Tombola at the Rutland Show
The Rutland Show is on the first Sunday in June each year.
Activities required for the tombola include:
- bottle collecting throughout the county a couple of weeks before the show
- bottle sorting, cleaning and labelling
- setting up the Tombola before the show
- helping on the Tombola on the day of the Rutland Show
- clearing up afterwards
Teas at NGS Open Gardens,
Prebendal House, Empingham
Activities required for this event are:
- making cakes
- setting up the venue for the teas
- serving the tea
- washing up during the afternoon
- clearing up afterwards