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The biggest sale of its kind with loads of pre-loved clothes for all the family.

Date and Time :

2025 Dates 

Friday 28th March 5pm - 8pm

 Saturday 29th March 8:30am -1pm 


Rutland Hall Hotel,

Near Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AB 

See below for specific Sale offers

from the Hotel​


 You can purchase tickets for Friday Night's Sale NOW



 Friday night's sale is by advance ticket only at £25 per person.

Hambleton Hall is kindly providing a glass of champagne and canapés at the Friday Night Sale.


Please apply for tickets using the form below and return to:​

Mrs Trish Ruddle - FR, Geeston Lodge, Geeston Road,Ketton, Stamford, PE9 3RH

or email it to us at

You can also contact us on 07801319222

Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope that will take

the A6 sized tickets so we can send them to you.





Ticket Application Form

Admission for Saturday morning's sale is £5 on the door when most items will be half price.

​Specific Good & New Clothes Sale  - offers from Rutland Hall Hotel for sale days

The chance to stay over at an exclusive price starting from £155 (bed and breakfast).

The booking link for hotel accommodation:

​Dine and save at BLOSSOMS RESTAURANT 

 Enjoy 15% OFF food during Friday Dinner and Saturday Lunch with code -  GOODANDNEWSALE

We collect clothes throughout the year.

If you're clearing out your wardrobes and have some good, clean pre-loved clothes that you would like to donate,

we would be happy to have them.

You can drop off clothes at the following places


John Porter Dry Cleaning in Market Street Oakham,

Cavells in Mill Street Oakham

The Falcon Hotel Uppingham 


Allsaints Hairdressing at The George Hotel in Stamford 



Or email us at and we will arrange a drop off or collection





Follow us on Instagram

@goodandnewclothessale for updates about the Good & New Clothes Sale.



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About us




Support us

For Rutland is a fundraising group of the charity Citizens Advice Rutland.  


For Rutland raises funds for Citizens Advice Rutland (Reg Charity No 1107907) to pay for Specialist Advisers who provide non-medical advice to people of all ages living with long-term health conditions in Rutland and the Surrounding Community.      


Citizens Advice Rutland is an operating name of Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd. Registered office: 56 High Street, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 6AL. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England number 05287678.  Charity registration number 1107907. 

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Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Authorisation Number 617720.

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